Gastric Bypass
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) another tried and tested weight-loss surgery for extreme cases. It is a complicated surgery, which requires a very qualified and experienced surgeon. This is usually a 3-4 hr laparoscopic surgery, with small incisions in the abdomen. This surgery reduces the size of your upper stomach to a small pouch about the size of an egg. The surgeon does this by stapling off the upper section of the stomach. This reduces the amount of food you can eat. The surgeon then attaches this pouch directly to part of the small intestine called the Roux limb. This forms a “Y” shape. The food you eat then bypasses the rest of the stomach and the upper part of your small intestine. This reduces the amount of fat and calories you absorb from the foods you eat. This is a non-reversible surgery. The surgery is known to cure and reduce risks of, Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Sleep apnoea, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and 22 forms of obesity related Cancers.